Here's a tough-to-find amber Savannah soda in great condition. The mold impression is robust, and the embossing is in an oval slug. It has lots of teeny bobbles and nice glass character (Russ Butler 10-226). Butler's expected price range was $600-800 and that was awhile back.
Embossed (oval slug): JAMES RAY / SAVANNAH / GA. // (open block letter monogram) J M
Color: deep reddish amber
Height: 7 3/4"
Top: applied tapered blob
Base: smooth
Structural Condition: perfect structurally - no damage of any sort.
Surface Condition: a lightly polish-cleaned bottle that still has great embossing and a few remnant and small light haze patches. Some spotty wear such as around the heel and a few minor scuffs. These are being picky for complete accuracy.